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start [2022/07/25 15:14]
start [2023/09/19 16:15] (current) [PMA.start] )
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-====== PMA.start ====== +1
-~~NOTOC~~ +
- +
-PMA.start is a simple to use and highly versatile slide viewer for +
- +
-  * whole slide images +
-  * digital pathology +
-  * virtual microscopy +
- +
-{{:​pma.start_ant_fluo.png?​600|}} +
- +
-It is loved by users for its clean UI and wide support for [[http://​​formats|various vendor formats]]. +
- +
-This site describes the various features of the software and its applications. +
- +
-Get started: [[http://​​download|Download the latest version]] +
- +
----- +
 ==== Why PMA.start? ==== ==== Why PMA.start? ====
start.1658751264.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/07/25 15:14 by yves