How to View Quiz Reports

So, you've made your first quiz and you've sent it out to your students/pathologists. You're a real pro at Pathomation, and we're proud you got this far.
But… wait. How do you know if your students are even doing your assignments?
How can you work out what the problematic topics are that you need to revisit?

Rest easy. We've got you covered with reports:


You can see detailed results in just two clicks.

  1. First click on the 'Reports' tab in the Quizzes menu - here you can already see who has completed your quiz and delete their record if they need to retake.
  2. Then click 'Export to Excel'

Reading reports

The reports are helpfully laid out with everything you need to know for easy reference.
Each user is represented on a row starting with #3, and each question gets a column starting with C. So Q1's answers are in C, Q2's in D…

  1. The email addresses of the users who took the quiz
  2. The date the quiz was submitted
  3. The top row of answers is the Correct Answers you defined so you can easily check your users' scores