====== Create A Project ====== As a project owner you decide on the name, the content and the way participants/trainees can interact with the slides. {{ :pma.control_2.0_create_a_project.mp4 |}} First navigate to the Projects tab in the sidebar, and select "Create" {{ :Control_Projects.png?800 |}} In the Create New Project screen you can: - Upload a logo image - Give your project a title - Describe your project - Give contact information for the project owner - Choose between Modern, Default and Classic themes - Toggle what permissions users will have e.g. being able to edit clinical information - you can hover the mouse over the '?' icon to get more information about each option (see end of page) - Toggle attributes e.g. is this a billable project - Once you're done, hit this to create the project - you will be taken to the [[Edit a project|editing page]] {{ :Control_Create Project.png?400 |}} Here you can see the popup menu when you mouseover the '?' next to (6): {{ :Control_Mouseover interactions.png?400 |}}