PMA PHP Documentation

in package

Wrapper around PMA.UI JavaScript framework

Table of Contents

$_pma_start_ui_javascript_path  : mixed
$_pma_ui_javascript_path  : mixed
$_pma_ui_framework_embedded  : mixed
$_pma_ui_galleries  : mixed
$_pma_ui_gallery_count  : mixed
$_pma_ui_loader_count  : mixed
$_pma_ui_loaders  : mixed
$_pma_ui_viewport_count  : mixed
$_pma_ui_viewports  : mixed
embedGalleryBySessionID()  : mixed
output HTML code to display a gallery that shows all thumbnails that exist in a specific folder hosted by the specified PMA.core instance authentication against PMA.core happens through a pre-established SessionID
embedGalleryByUsername()  : mixed
output HTML code to display a gallery that shows all thumbnails that exist in a specific folder hosted by the specified PMA.core instance authentication against PMA.core happens in real-time through the provided $username and $password credentials Note that the username and password and NOT rendered in the HTML output (authentication happens in PHP on the server-side).
embedSlideBySessionID()  : mixed
output HTML code to display a single slide through a PMA.UI viewport control authentication against PMA.core happens through a pre-established SessionID
embedSlideByUsername()  : mixed
output HTML code to display a single slide through a PMA.UI viewport control authentication against PMA.core happens in real-time through the provided $username and $password credentials Note that the username and password and NOT rendered in the HTML output (authentication happens in PHP on the server-side).
linkGalleryToViewport()  : mixed
output HTML code to couple an earlier instantiated PMA.UI gallery to a PMA.UI viewport. The PMA.UI viewport can be instantiated earlier, or not at all
_pma_embed_pma_ui_framework()  : mixed
internal helper function to prevent PMA.UI framework from being loaded more than once



public static mixed $_pma_start_ui_javascript_path = "http://localhost:54001/js/pmaui/"


public static mixed $_pma_ui_javascript_path = "pmaui/"


private static mixed $_pma_ui_framework_embedded = false


private static mixed $_pma_ui_galleries = []
private static mixed $_pma_ui_gallery_count = 0


private static mixed $_pma_ui_loader_count = 0


private static mixed $_pma_ui_loaders = []


private static mixed $_pma_ui_viewport_count = 0


private static mixed $_pma_ui_viewports = []



output HTML code to display a gallery that shows all thumbnails that exist in a specific folder hosted by the specified PMA.core instance authentication against PMA.core happens through a pre-established SessionID

public static embedGalleryBySessionID(mixed $server, mixed $path, mixed $sessionID[, mixed $options = null ]) : mixed
$server : mixed
$path : mixed
$sessionID : mixed
$options : mixed = null
Return values


output HTML code to display a gallery that shows all thumbnails that exist in a specific folder hosted by the specified PMA.core instance authentication against PMA.core happens in real-time through the provided $username and $password credentials Note that the username and password and NOT rendered in the HTML output (authentication happens in PHP on the server-side).

public static embedGalleryByUsername(mixed $server, mixed $path, mixed $username[, mixed $password = "" ][, mixed $options = null ]) : mixed
$server : mixed
$path : mixed
$username : mixed
$password : mixed = ""
$options : mixed = null
Return values


output HTML code to display a single slide through a PMA.UI viewport control authentication against PMA.core happens through a pre-established SessionID

public static embedSlideBySessionID(mixed $server, mixed $slideRef, mixed $sessionID[, mixed $options = null ]) : mixed
$server : mixed
$slideRef : mixed
$sessionID : mixed
$options : mixed = null
Return values


output HTML code to display a single slide through a PMA.UI viewport control authentication against PMA.core happens in real-time through the provided $username and $password credentials Note that the username and password and NOT rendered in the HTML output (authentication happens in PHP on the server-side).

public static embedSlideByUsername(mixed $server, mixed $slideRef, mixed $username[, mixed $password = "" ][, mixed $options = null ]) : mixed
$server : mixed
$slideRef : mixed
$username : mixed
$password : mixed = ""
$options : mixed = null
Return values


output HTML code to couple an earlier instantiated PMA.UI gallery to a PMA.UI viewport. The PMA.UI viewport can be instantiated earlier, or not at all

public static linkGalleryToViewport(mixed $galleryDiv, mixed $viewportDiv) : mixed
$galleryDiv : mixed
$viewportDiv : mixed
Return values


internal helper function to prevent PMA.UI framework from being loaded more than once

private static _pma_embed_pma_ui_framework(mixed $sessionID) : mixed
$sessionID : mixed
Return values

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