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PMA.core wiki

PMA.core manages your whole slide images. It operates through web protocols and supports a number of file formats, allowing you to manipulate WSI data from different vendors in a standardized manner. This enables efficient management of digital slide images while requiring minimal setup.

PMA.core is a tile server

PMA.core is foremost a tile server. Whole slide images are big, and an efficient scheme must be in place to optimally serve their content. PMA.core is that efficient solution.

Our YouTube video tell you more about tile servers and whole slide images

PMA.core offers a jumpstart into digital pathology

PMA.core can be used as a foundation for applications that allow viewing and other operations such as annotations, data capture, and image analysis. PMA.core contains the necessary functions to retain these types of data, but by itself it does not provide end-user interfaces to create and manipulate it.

The software acts as an honest broker between the various vendor-dependent file formats on one end, and a variety of different end-user applications on the other:

The end-user applications are typically referred to as “downstream” applications in this manual. They can be other member-components of our platform (PMA.view is an excellent viewer), but they may be completely custom-built by third-parties as well (in which case communication with PMA.core is conveniently facilitated through webservices). This type of broker-like interaction enables both downstream viewing and analysis. PMA.core allows adopters of WSI to build a context around each slide (on-slide graphical annotations and form-data) and manage this as needed.

start.1626786967.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/07/20 16:16 (external edit)