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External script

External scripts is the functionality provided by PMA.core to configure and execute command line scripts via PMA.core itself.

Adding a new script

To configure a new script you need to provide the following information describing the script you want to execute and the parameters passed to it

Setting Description
Name A unique name for the script used to fetch it and distinguish from other
Command The command line to execute, a bat file, cmd file or exe
Arguments The arguments passed to the script
Parameters A dynamic list of parameters passed to the script by PMA.core

The following types of parameters are supported

Parameter Description
Number A number parameter
Path A path parameter i.e. a slide path
String A string parameter

Executing an script

To execute an external script after adding and configuring it you have to utilize the Scripts Run API

settings_scripts.1648827005.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/04/01 18:30 (external edit)