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caching [2022/02/14 17:59] [Tile caching]
caching [2022/03/28 20:01] (current)
yves [Tile caching]
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 We have a strategy where cache is deleted after a retention period automatically and no new cache is created if there is not enough disk space. We have a strategy where cache is deleted after a retention period automatically and no new cache is created if there is not enough disk space.
 +There'​s a [[settings_image#​cache_settings|separate configuration page for cache settings]]
 ==== Tile caching ==== ==== Tile caching ====
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 When many people look at the same slide, they are typically interested in the same regions of interest and slide details. This means that as a system is used over time, almost all of its accessed content will be available through the tile cache. Tile caching in this regard also makes PMA.core a much more scalable system than it would be without this mechanism. When many people look at the same slide, they are typically interested in the same regions of interest and slide details. This means that as a system is used over time, almost all of its accessed content will be available through the tile cache. Tile caching in this regard also makes PMA.core a much more scalable system than it would be without this mechanism.
-PMA.core will not cache tiles or thumbnails if there is not enough disk space (as defined in the [[cache_settings|settings]]).+PMA.core will not cache tiles or thumbnails if there is not enough disk space (as defined in the [[settings_image#​cache_settings|settings]]).
 ==== Cloud caching ==== ==== Cloud caching ====
caching.1644850769.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2022/02/14 17:59 by