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installation [2022/03/25 13:17]
installation [2022/08/06 14:51] (current)
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 ===== Installation ===== ===== Installation =====
-Installation typically takes about half a day, but may vary depending on the need to download and install additional prerequisites,​ as well as internet speed provided, and the performance of the hardware setup.+Installation typically takes about half a day, but may vary depending on the need to download and install additional prerequisites,​ as well as internet ​(wifi) ​speed provided, and the performance of the hardware setup.
-The various components are of PMA.core and the terminology used throughout this manual ​are outlined in the following schema:+The various components are of PMA.core and the terminology used throughout this wiki are outlined in the following schema:
 {{ :​installation.png?​nolink&​400 |}}  {{ :​installation.png?​nolink&​400 |}} 
installation.1648203436.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2022/03/25 13:17 by yves