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 PMA.core manages your whole slide images. It operates through web protocols and supports [[supported_file_formats|a number of file formats]], allowing you to manipulate WSI data from different vendors in a standardized manner. This enables efficient management of digital slide images while requiring minimal setup. PMA.core manages your whole slide images. It operates through web protocols and supports [[supported_file_formats|a number of file formats]], allowing you to manipulate WSI data from different vendors in a standardized manner. This enables efficient management of digital slide images while requiring minimal setup.
-Follow ​[[https://​​pma.core/​3.0.0|this link if you're looking for the wiki of PMA.core 3.0.0]].+[[what_s_new_in_version_3.0.1|Click here to see what's new in release 3.0.1]]. Alternative,​ you can still follow ​[[https://​​pma.core/​3.0.0|this link if you're looking for the wiki of PMA.core 3.0.0]].
 {{:​pmacore_3_dashboard.png?​direct&​600|}} {{:​pmacore_3_dashboard.png?​direct&​600|}}
start.1665646276.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2022/10/13 10:31 by yves