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external_data [2022/03/31 13:52]
external_data [2022/11/10 16:01] (current)
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 ==== Configuring data connections ==== ==== Configuring data connections ====
 The first step in configuring your external data link to PMA.core is to create the connection to the data source. PMA.core supports connection to the following databases The first step in configuring your external data link to PMA.core is to create the connection to the data source. PMA.core supports connection to the following databases
   * SQL Server   * SQL Server
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 === Testing === === Testing ===
 To test your query for errors and validating its results you can use the Test query field. You can either write a slide identifier manually in the text box or use the //Set from treeview// button after selecting a slide from the treeview on the right hand side of the screen. To test your query for errors and validating its results you can use the Test query field. You can either write a slide identifier manually in the text box or use the //Set from treeview// button after selecting a slide from the treeview on the right hand side of the screen.
 {{ :​test_query.jpg?​400 |}} {{ :​test_query.jpg?​400 |}}
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 After creating the queries you can now use the [[https://​​pma.core.api/#/​Api/​PMA.Services.Api.HistoScope.GetFormData|FormData]] API to request data by using the Query Id as the Form Id, the same way you request native PMA.core Form Data.  After creating the queries you can now use the [[https://​​pma.core.api/#/​Api/​PMA.Services.Api.HistoScope.GetFormData|FormData]] API to request data by using the Query Id as the Form Id, the same way you request native PMA.core Form Data. 
-This is the same API that is used to provide external data in downstream application like, PMA.slidebox,​ PMA.control etc. +This is the same API that is used to provide external data in downstream application like [[https://​​|]][[https://​​pma.slidebox|PMA.slidebox]][[https://​​pma.control|PMA.control]] etc. 
 {{ ::​pmastudio_external_data.jpg?​600 |}} {{ ::​pmastudio_external_data.jpg?​600 |}}
 ==== More background ==== ==== More background ====
 See [[https://​​how-to-handle-slide-meta-data/​|our blog article]]. See [[https://​​how-to-handle-slide-meta-data/​|our blog article]].
external_data.1648723964.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2022/03/31 13:52 by antreas