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impact_of_tile_quality_on_data_traffic [2020/06/03 14:01]
charlotte created
impact_of_tile_quality_on_data_traffic [2022/10/13 10:41] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
-**Impact of tile quality on data traffic**+===== Impact of tile quality on data traffic ​=====
 Using Image Settings, one can control the quality of individual tiles. Each tile is a JPEG-image, and the setting controls the compression-rate used to generate these JPEGs. Using Image Settings, one can control the quality of individual tiles. Each tile is a JPEG-image, and the setting controls the compression-rate used to generate these JPEGs.
impact_of_tile_quality_on_data_traffic.1591182084.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2020/06/03 14:01 by charlotte