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settings_server [2022/03/28 19:14]
yves created
settings_server [2023/11/22 16:59]
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 In this section, various aspects of the server behavior can be configured and controlled. ​ In this section, various aspects of the server behavior can be configured and controlled. ​
 +==== Email settings ====
 +Change settings about the email'​s sent by PMA.core
 +^ Setting ^ Description ^
 +|Use Two Factor Authentication | Whether to enable two factor authentication for logging in |
 +|The name of the two factor authentication | The name of the keys generated for two factor authentification|
 +|Email Address| The email present in all emails sent by PMA.core|
 +|Send emails using| Whether to sent emails using the SendGrid service or via a mail server|
 +|SendGrid Api Key| The api key to authenticate against SendGrid service |
 +=== Mail log ===
 +A subsection of the [[report_events|events page]] showing only mail entries
 +==== User settings ====
 +Settings regarding the user and password management ​
 +^ Setting ^ Description ^
 +|Max invalid login attempts before lock out}| The max invalid login attempts allowed for a user. Use 0 to never lockout |
 +|Automatically lift lock out after (seconds)| Automatically lift lock out after (seconds) |
 +|Allow duplicate emails| Whether the system can allow users with the same email but different usernames |
 +|Force change password after days| Require users to change password after the specified amount of days |
 +|Password must be different from the last used | Require users to not use the same password twice |
 +==== Password generation ====
 +Settings about the automatic generator of passwords in the [[minimal_user_management|Users -> Create]] page 
 +^ Setting ^ Description ^
 +|Case| The type of the letters case|
 +|Length| The length of the generated password|
 +|Include letters| Whether to include letters|
 +|Include numbers| Whether to include numbers|
 +|Include special characters| Whether to include special characters like !@#$ etc|
 +==== LDAP settings ====
 +Shows the list of configured LDAP servers used for authentication by PMA.core. You can also delete, update and create new LDAP server settings
 +=== Add new LDAP server ===
 +Clicking the //Add new LDAP server// button will take you to the page to fill the required info to add a new LDAP server that will be used for authentication by PMA.core.
 +^ Setting ^ Description ^
 +|LDAP Server| The LDAP server url|
 +|LDAP distinguished name| The distinguish name of the LDAP directory to connect to |
 +|Username| The username for authentication against the LDAP server|
 +|Password | The password for authentication against the LDAP server|
 +==== OAuth settings === 
 +Shows the list of configured OAuth servers used for authentication by PMA.core. You can also delete,​update and create new OAuth server settings
 +^ Setting ^ Description ^
 +| OAuth callback url| The callback url required by OAuth authentication protocol by third party applications using PMA.core for authentication|
 +=== Add new OAuth server ===
 +Clicking the //Add new OAuth Server// button will take you to the page to fill the required info to add a new OAuth server that will be used for authentication by PMA.core. ​
 +PMA.core uses the **Browser Flow** protocol for authentication as described the OAuth 2.0. For more information see [[https://​​2/​|OAuth2.0]]
 +^ Setting ^ Description ^
 +|Name| The name of the OAuth server|
 +|Public Key| The public key for authenticating against OAuth server |
 +|User Id claim|The claim that contains the user id|
 +|Auth Url|The url used for Auth by the OAuth provider|
 +|Token Url|The url used for tokean access by the OAuth provider|
 +|Client Id|The client Id for PMA.core as configured in the OAuth provider|
 +|Client Secret |The client secret for the corresponding client id|
 +==== Installation history ====
 +Shows a brief history of version changes and updates to the PMA.core server
settings_server.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/11/22 17:32 by chris