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settings_server [2022/04/01 17:55]
settings_server [2023/11/22 16:59]
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 ^ Setting ^ Description ^ ^ Setting ^ Description ^
 |Use Two Factor Authentication | Whether to enable two factor authentication for logging in | |Use Two Factor Authentication | Whether to enable two factor authentication for logging in |
-|The name of the two factor authentication | The name of the keys generated for two factor ​authenticated|+|The name of the two factor authentication | The name of the keys generated for two factor ​authentification|
 |Email Address| The email present in all emails sent by PMA.core| |Email Address| The email present in all emails sent by PMA.core|
-|Send emails using| Whether to sent emails using the SendGrid service or by a mail server|+|Send emails using| Whether to sent emails using the SendGrid service or via a mail server|
 |SendGrid Api Key| The api key to authenticate against SendGrid service | |SendGrid Api Key| The api key to authenticate against SendGrid service |
Line 26: Line 26:
 |Max invalid login attempts before lock out}| The max invalid login attempts allowed for a user. Use 0 to never lockout | |Max invalid login attempts before lock out}| The max invalid login attempts allowed for a user. Use 0 to never lockout |
 |Automatically lift lock out after (seconds)| Automatically lift lock out after (seconds) | |Automatically lift lock out after (seconds)| Automatically lift lock out after (seconds) |
-|Allow duplicate emails| Whether the system can allow users with the same email but different ​username ​|+|Allow duplicate emails| Whether the system can allow users with the same email but different ​usernames ​|
 |Force change password after days| Require users to change password after the specified amount of days | |Force change password after days| Require users to change password after the specified amount of days |
 |Password must be different from the last used | Require users to not use the same password twice | |Password must be different from the last used | Require users to not use the same password twice |
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 ^ Setting ^ Description ^ ^ Setting ^ Description ^
 |Case| The type of the letters case| |Case| The type of the letters case|
-|Length| The lenght ​of the generated password|+|Length| The length ​of the generated password|
 |Include letters| Whether to include letters| |Include letters| Whether to include letters|
 |Include numbers| Whether to include numbers| |Include numbers| Whether to include numbers|
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 ==== LDAP settings ==== ==== LDAP settings ====
-Shows the list of configured LDAP servers used for authentication by PMA.core. You can also delete,​update and create new LDAP server settings+Shows the list of configured LDAP servers used for authentication by PMA.core. You can also delete, update and create new LDAP server settings
 {{::​settings_srv_ldap.png?​400|}} {{::​settings_srv_ldap.png?​400|}}
settings_server.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/11/22 17:32 by chris