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form_management [2022/03/29 12:15]
yves [New form]
form_management [2023/11/21 17:23] (current)
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 Next to each existing form, several options are available: Next to each existing form, several options are available:
-  * Delete: Deletes the form. This option is disabled if user data has been submitted for this form. +  * Delete: Deletes the form. This option is disabled if user data has already ​been submitted for this form. 
-  * Clone: ​Clones ​the form's configuration.+  * Clone: ​Duplicates ​the form's configuration.
   * Export: Generates a JSON file that contains the form's structure. This can be subsequently imported, essentially allowing you to clone a form. This is useful when it is required to transfer form configuration between PMA.core instances.   * Export: Generates a JSON file that contains the form's structure. This can be subsequently imported, essentially allowing you to clone a form. This is useful when it is required to transfer form configuration between PMA.core instances.
-  * Generate CSV: Generates a template CSV file with columns all the fields ​of form and one row per slide for a selected directory.+  * Generate CSV: Generates a template CSV file with a column for each of the form's fields ​and one row per slide for a selected directory.
 ==== New form ==== ==== New form ====
-Adding a new form displays a pop up dialog that accepts ​the basic information ​of a form. Once this data is provided, the form designer is displayed.+Adding a new form displays a pop up dialog that requests ​the basic information ​for the form. Once this data is provided, the form designer is displayed.
 {{::​form_new.png?​400|}} {{::​form_new.png?​400|}}
-The form designer enables ​the management of form's available fields:+The form designer enables management of the form's available fields:
 ^ Field ^ Description ^ ^ Field ^ Description ^
Line 24: Line 24:
 | Version | Numeric version of the form | | Version | Numeric version of the form |
 | Description | Description text | | Description | Description text |
-| Instructions | Optional instructional text to be displayed to the users that will fill out the form |+| Instructions | Optional instructional text to be displayed to users as they fill out the form |
 ==== Adding fields ==== ==== Adding fields ====
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 {{ :​form3.png?​nolink&​200 |}} {{ :​form3.png?​nolink&​200 |}}
-Once a field type is selected, a panel is displayed at the end of the field list containing the properties of the field. Depending on the field type, different information ​have to be provided in order for the field to be defined.+Once a field type is selected, a panel is displayed at the end of the field list containing the properties of the field. Depending on the field type, different information ​has to be provided in order for the field to be defined.
-The order by which the fields appear in the form can be arranged by dragging each field'​s panel to the desired location:+The order in which the fields appear in the form can be arranged by dragging each field'​s panel to the desired location:
 {{ :​form6.png?​nolink&​400 |}} {{ :​form6.png?​nolink&​400 |}}
form_management.1648545301.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/03/29 12:15 by yves