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installation [2022/08/06 14:51]
installation [2023/11/27 17:30] (current)
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-Depending on your particular situation, the server may me split up further ​in different components. ​You can have IIS and PMA.core on one server, and use a connection string to reference a SQLServer ​resource hosted elsewhere ​e.g.+Depending on your particular situation, the server may be split further ​into different components. ​For example, you can have IIS and PMA.core on one server, and use a connection string to reference a SQL server ​resource hosted elsewhere.
-Do take into account that your actual slides will consume a significant amount of resources and bite from your budget. Because it's impractical (not to mention prohibitively expensive) to continuously expand local server hard disk storage, PMA.core supports a number of alternatives,​ so your final configuration may end up looking like this:+Take into account that your actual slides will consume a significant amount of resources and bite from your budget. Because it's impractical (not to mention prohibitively expensive) to continuously expand local server hard disk storage, PMA.core supports a number of alternatives,​ so your final configuration may look very different.
-You actually don't need to be concerned with this right away in terms of local server storage: PMA.core'​s concept of [[rootdir|root-directories]] makes it possible to offload slides to just about any location at any given time, without your end-users ever even noticing a migration took place.+You actually don't need to be concerned with this right away in terms of local server storage: PMA.core'​s concept of [[rootdir|root-directories]] makes it possible to offload slides to just about any location at any given time, without your end-users ever even noticing ​that a migration took place.
 ==== System requirements ==== ==== System requirements ====
installation.1659786665.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2022/08/06 14:51 by yves