Table of Contents

External meta-data

Oftentimes you have external data in a separate repository and want access to it through the Pathomation software platform for digital pathology and virtual microscopy. Importing the data as Pathomation form data may not always make sense for a variety of reasons.

If your data falls into this category; fear not! PMA.core allows you to link to it in real-time.

Configuring data connections

The first step in configuring your external data link to PMA.core is to create the connection to the data source. PMA.core supports connection to the following databases

To add an external connection you simply click on the Add button in ExternalData page of the administrator front-end UI and then select the type of connection you want. On the next page you will be prompted to add

Configure queries

After creating the external database connection we need to create a link between the data and the slides in PMA.core. To accomplish this we need to define an SQL query that will instruct PMA.core how each slide is linked to one or more rows of data in the external connection. To start that we need to click the 'Add' button in the external data source page

SQL query

Even though the Add Query page seems complicated it is just a UI to create an SQL query so that PMA.core can link the external data to the slides provided. The page is divided in two parts, on the left hand side is the UI to create the query, and on the right hand side there is a treeview with PMA.core slides used for testing the query.
The parts that are needed to successfully create the query are:

As stated an above the #SLIDE_IDENTIFIER# part of the query is dependent on the mode selected and the regular expression, if provided. This could be the file name or the barcode text of a slide after it is transformed by the regular expression.

Before your query is ready you need to test that it works as expected:


To test your query for errors and validate its results you can use the Test query field. You can either write a slide identifier manually in the text box or use the Set from treeview button after selecting a slide from the treeview on the right hand side of the screen.

Clicking the “Execute” button will execute the query on the server. Any errors in syntax will be reported immediately bellow the execute button. If no errors occur, a popup will appear showing the results of the query.

Consumption and applications

After creating the queries you can now use the FormData API to request data by using the Query ID as the Form ID, the same way you request native PMA.core Form Data.

This is the same API that is used to provide external data in downstream applications like, PMA.slidebox, PMA.control etc.

More background

See our blog article.