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caching [2022/02/09 16:39]
yves [Tile caching]
caching [2023/11/27 18:27] (current)
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 ===== Caching ===== ===== Caching =====
-For optimal performance,​ PMA.core ​support ​both tile cache and cloud cache.+For optimal performance,​ PMA.core ​supports ​both tile cache and cloud cache.
-We have a strategy where cache is deleted after a retention period ​automatically ​and no new cache is created if there is not enough disk space.+Our policy ​is that caches are deleted ​automatically ​after a retention period and no new cache is created if there is not enough disk space. 
 +There'​s a [[settings_image#​cache_settings|separate configuration page for cache settings]]
 ==== Tile caching ==== ==== Tile caching ====
-PMA.core will not cache tiles or thumbnails if there is not enough disk space (as defined in the [[cache_settings|settings]]).+Extracted tiles from [[https://​​what-whole-slide-images-wsis-are-made-of/​|WSIs]] are stored in a cache repository. This is Just In Time (JIT) caching: the tiles are only stored in the cache after being generated for the first time. 
 +When many people look at the same slide, they are typically interested in the same regions of interest and slide details. This means that as a system is used over time, almost all of its accessed content will be available through the tile cache. Tile caching in this regard also makes PMA.core a much more scalable system than it would be without this mechanism. 
 +PMA.core will not cache tiles or thumbnails if there is not enough disk space (as defined in the [[settings_image#​cache_settings|settings]]).
 ==== Cloud caching ==== ==== Cloud caching ====
 +Slides that are retrieved through cloud storage like S3 or Azure, benefit from an additional layer of caching.
 +{{ :​cache_structure.png?​nolink&​400 |}}
 +Based on requests received from clients, PMA.core will retrieve part of the original slide from cloud storage, and keep that in a local cache repository. From that //data chunk// eventual tiles are extracted.
 ==== Troubleshooting ==== ==== Troubleshooting ====
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 It is impossible to load an image from cloud storage if there is no disk space. It is impossible to load an image from cloud storage if there is no disk space.
-Let's assume that the whole disk space is 100GB, currently consumed ​is 95GB and PMA.core is instructed not to cache if there is not at least 1GB of free space. Furthermore,​ let's assume the retention days is set to 30 and that all the cache has been created in the last 10 days.+Let's assume that the whole disk space is 100GB, ​95GB is currently consumed and PMA.core is instructed not to cache when there is less than 1GB of free space. Furthermore,​ let's assume the retention days option ​is set to 30 and that all the cache was created in the last 10 days
 +If 100 requests to load different images come in, PMA.core has to cache chunks of these images, and suddenly there is no space and there is nothing that can be deleted.
-If now there are 10 or 100 requests ​to load different images, ​PMA.core ​has to cache chunks of these images and suddenly there is no space and there is nothing that can be deleted.+You can take this to a higher extreme and assume you have 100GB of free space on a 100GB disk and you receive 100s of requests for "Image Info". This will again cause PMA.core to store chunks of 100s of images ​to the disk simultaneously, ​and may end up in a full disk (without breaking any rule).
-you can take this to a higher extreme and assume you have 100GB free space on a 100GB disk and you receive 100s of requests for "Image Info". This will again cause PMA.core to store chunks of 100s of images ​to the disk simultaneouslyand may end up in a full disk (without breaking any rule).+After this point nothing works, because ​PMA.core ​doesn'​t know what to delete; all the cache is fresh. You now have to purge the cache folder(s) manuallyafter which the build process ​may re-commence ​(you may also provide more storage for your cache repositories this time around).
-After this point nothing works, because PMA.core doesn'​t know what to delete; all the cache is fresh. ​ 
caching.1644413975.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/09 16:39 by yves