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format_tiff_jpeg [2022/11/22 12:17]
yves created
format_tiff_jpeg [2022/11/22 13:10] (current)
yves [Working with flat TIFF or JPEG files]
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 ===== Working with flat TIFF or JPEG files ===== ===== Working with flat TIFF or JPEG files =====
 +Our software can read flat TIFF and JPEG files. If you're using these file formats to work with gross (macroscopic) imaging data, you should be just fine.
 +However, for the sake of backward compatibility with standard image editing software (anything ranging from MS Paint to Adobe Photoshop), some vendors allow export to "​flat"​ file structures. While this //works// to some extent, it is also tedious and slow, because the in-memory representation of such a structure is huge.
 +If you're confused about the difference between "​flat"​ and "​pyramid"​ file structures (or just need a refresher), you can [[https://​​what-whole-slide-images-wsis-are-made-of/​|read our primer on WSI file formats on our blog]].
 +PMA.core is developed to make optimal use of pyramidal image data, so you should generally avoid these flat file formats.
 +==== Converting ====
 +If you do find yourself with a large collectiong,​ you can use [[https://​|PMA.start]] and [[https://​​developer#​python|Python automation]] to [[https://​​programming/​tiff/​|convert large flat images to pyramid structures]].
 +[[format_troubleshoot|More on file format troubleshooting]]
format_tiff_jpeg.1669108671.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/11/22 12:17 by yves