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user_groups [2022/04/11 16:37]
antreas created
user_groups [2023/11/21 18:45] (current)
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-==== Groups ====+===== Groups ​=====
 +PMA.core supports user "​Groups"​ which you can find under the //User management -> Groups// menu. A Group is simply **a named list of users** in which you can apply [[user_cruudd|permissions]]. There is a special Group named //​Everyone//​ which cannot be deleted or edited, which every PMA.core user is always a member of
 +{{ :​groups_list.jpg?​600 |}}
 +==== List and search ====
 +In the main list page you can see a paginated list of all groups defined in the system. Each row (except the Everyone Group) has the following options for editing it:
 +  * Edit
 +  * Details
 +  * Audit trail
 +  * Remove
 +At the top of this page you can search a specific group either by clicking on the initial letter on the //Quick Lookup// option, or by typing part of the name in the search text box and pressing enter
 +==== Add ====
 +You can create a new group by clicking on the //Add// button on the top right corner of the list page. To create a new Group you simply need to provide a **name** for it
 +{{ ::​group_name.jpg?​600 |}}
 +==== Edit ====
 +After creating a new Group or by clicking on the //Edit// button on the list page you can modify a Group. In this page you can add and remove users to this Group. You can also modify the Group name. 
 +  * Select one or more users on the left side panel and click the '>>'​ button to //add// the selected users to the Group
 +  * Select one or more users on the right side panel and click the '<<'​ button to //remove// the selected users to the Group
 +{{ ::​groups_edit.jpg?​600 |}}
 +==== Audit trail ====
 + ​Clicking on the Audit Trail tab of a Group will display a chronological list of all changes performed to the Group, as well as all changes performed to the permissions of that Group 
 +This list contains the following useful info about a change in chronological order:
 +  * ActionType: The type of a change i.e. whether the user was created, updated or deleted
 +  * EventDate: The date the change occurred
 +  * UserLogin: The user that performed the change
 +  * ID, Name: The ID and name of the Group, before and after the changes
 +{{ ::​group_audit_trail.jpg?​600 |}}
 +==== Details ====
 +Clicking on the details tab or the details option in the list page will take you to a page to inspect all aspects of a Group in a glance. In this page you can see 
 +  * The Group name 
 +  * A list of all users that are members of this Group
 +  * A permissions summary table. This is a list of all root directories available to the system along with all permissions applied to this Group. For a list of all types of permissions available see [[user_cruudd|Permissions]] ​
 +{{ ::​group_details.jpg?​600 |}}
user_groups.1649684234.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2022/04/11 16:37 by antreas