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viewport [2022/02/07 17:00]
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viewport [2023/11/21 16:45] (current)
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 ===== Looking at content (PMA.UI viewport) ===== ===== Looking at content (PMA.UI viewport) =====
 +PMA.core incorporates the [[https://​​developers/#​js|PMA.UI framework]],​ which includes a versatile viewport for exploring slides.
 +{{ :​viewport_pma_core.jpg?​direct&​400 |}}
 +PMA.UI'​s viewport is web-based and independent;​ the front-end runs in the webbrowser of your choice. You can use it to examine brighfield, fluorescent,​ and z-stacked slide content within the same environment.
 +The tile server ships with a default PMA.UI configuration. When embedded in downstream applications such as [[https://​​|]] or [[https://​​whos-in-the-drivers-seat/​|in custom scenarios]] and [[https://​​watch?​v=0XtGaQ--eUc|analytical pipelines]] however, [[https://​​sdk/​pma.ui.examples/​advanced_viewport.html|much more customization is possible]].
 +{{ ::​viewport_config.jpg?​direct&​400 |}}
 +==== Getting around ====
 +Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move around
 +{{ ::​viewport_panning1.png?​direct&​400 |}}
 +Click on the left mouse button, and move the mouse around, to move the slide around, too.
 +{{ ::​viewport_panning2.png?​direct&​400 |}}
 +If you want to navigate somewhere quickly, click a location in the overview image to immediately jump to that area at the current magnification.
 +{{ ::​viewport_panning3.png?​direct&​400 |}}
 +If you want to rotate a slide, use Alt + mouse click and drag. Alternatively,​ use the rotation widget in the bottom left of the screen for simpler mouse control, or to enter very precise rotation angles.
 +{{ ::​viewport_panning4.png?​direct&​400 |}}
 +==== Zooming in ====
 +PMA.UI'​s viewport offers different ways to zoom in on a slide.
 +The simplest way is to use the scrollwheel on your mouse: pushing the scrollwheel forward (away from you) zooms in; bringing it toward you (or scrolling //​backwards//​) zooms out again. Furthermore,​ we've optimized the speed of interaction so that you can go from the highest level of viewing to the deepest level in one smooth sweeping motion.
 +If you don't have a scrollwheel,​ or want precision control, you can use the zoom controls in the top-left corner of the screen. There are plus and minus button to zoom in (increase magnification) or zoom out (reduce magnification).
 +{{ ::​viewport_zooming1.png?​direct&​200 |}}
 +There is also the zoombar. You can interact with it by moving the slider up and down to control your magnification.
 +{{ ::​viewport_zooming2.png?​direct&​200 |}}
 +The zoombar is useful even if you don't use it to control your magnification:​ it also indicates whether you are looking at content through optimal magnification or digital magnificaion. ​ The number of articifically added zoom levels for digital zoom can be controlled in PMA.UI, or even disabled altogether.
 +{{ ::​viewport_zooming3.png?​direct&​200 |}}
 +On mobile devices, //​pinching//​ also works (use the pinch manoever to rotate your content, too!).
 +==== Thumbnails and labels ====
 +Associated images are images that are part of the whole slide image data package, and provide additinal information about the slide. Examples include a thumbnail image, a scan map, or a label image. The first and the latter of this list are automatically added to the right of the viewport, if they are available.
 +{{ ::​viewport_associates.png?​direct&​400 |}}
 +The label image can be rotated as needed. Clicking on it brings up the image in a separate viewing window.
 +The thumbnail has a blue rectangle drawn on it to indicate the currently viewed region of interest. This widget is a mini-browser in its own right: clicking anywhere on the thumbnail moves the current viewport to that particular area on the slide. The blue rectangle itself can be dragged around to a new location, too.
 +For smaller specimens like (needle) biopsies, the thumbnail can be enlarged to easily identify individual objects on the slide.
 +[[https://​​custom-panels-and-functionality-in-pma-studio/​|Thumbnails,​ label images, and associated images in general can also be requested and presented individually]].
 +==== Keeping track ====
 +The thumbnail widget has a special button that allows you to track your progress throughout a slide:
 +{{ ::​viewport_tracking.png?​direct&​200 |}}
 +Once enabled, a gray overlay covers your slide'​s thumbnail, with pieces of it disappearing as you start navigating through the slide. The zoomlevel at which you inspect a specific region of interest influences the outline color in the tracking screen. ​
 +{{ :​viewport_tracking2.png?​direct&​400 |}}
 +This kind of tracking is instantaneous and ad-hoc. When you close the viewport, it disappears, and its history is not logged. If you're interested in tracking viewing operations over time and across your use population, you should have a look at the [[heatmap]] functionality instead.
 +==== Color correction ====
 +The default PMA.UI representation in PMA.core shows a color correction widget in the top-right corner of the viewport.
 +{{ ::​viewport_color_correction.png?​direct&​400 |}}
 +You can use it to control brightness, contrast, and gamma correction.
 +==== Fluorescent content ====
 +When your slide contains one or more fluorescent color channels, a separate widget appears in the left-hand side of the viewport to allow controls over there.
 +{{ ::​fluo1.png?​direct&​400 |}}
 +Names of channels are copied from the original file format, where possible. ​
 +You can control the visibility range of each channel individually through the scrollbar underneath each channel.
 +{{ ::​fluo2.png?​direct&​400 |}}
 +Color ranges are supported both in 8 bit and 16 bit. Version 2.0.0 only supported 8 bit channels, which sometimes led to color bleeding. This was resolved in [[what_s_new_in_version_2.0.1|version 2.0.1]] and higher.
 +==== Z-stacked content ====
 +Similarly to fluorescent slides; when a slide contains mutliple planes / stacks, a new widget appears automatically in the left-hand side of the viewport, allowing the end-user to navigate through the layers.
 +{{ ::​viewport_zstack.png?​direct&​200 |}}
 +We have a [[https://​​blur-detection-in-z-stacks/​|blog article that describes how you can analyze a z-stack]] to artifically compose a new slide that contains the sharpest tile at each position from the slide.
viewport.1644242418.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2022/02/07 17:00 by yves