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adding_a_copyright_to_snapshots [2020/06/03 13:57]
adding_a_copyright_to_snapshots [2022/08/02 13:49] (current)
Line 11: Line 11:
 {{ :​ad2.png?​nolink&​500 |}} {{ :​ad2.png?​nolink&​500 |}}
-Your resulting snapshots will now have a right-aligned copyright notice added to the bottom:+Your resulting snapshots will now have a right-aligned copyright notice added to the bottom.
 You can remove or set the value to an emtpy string to prevent the text from being drawn. You can remove or set the value to an emtpy string to prevent the text from being drawn.
adding_a_copyright_to_snapshots.1591181857.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2020/06/03 13:57 by charlotte