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rootdir [2022/03/25 11:59]
yves [Configuration]
rootdir [2022/08/10 15:07] (current)
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 This attempts to read all slides in a folder and reports on the ones that fail. You should then [[format_troubleshoot|try to find out why such slides cannot be read]]. This attempts to read all slides in a folder and reports on the ones that fail. You should then [[format_troubleshoot|try to find out why such slides cannot be read]].
-For problems that only occur occasionally and don't appear to be persistent, [[elmah|Elmah logs]] are available to assist in for ad-hoc troubleshooting.+For problems that only occur occasionally and don't appear to be persistent, [[diag_elmah|Elmah logs]] are available to assist in for ad-hoc troubleshooting.
rootdir.1648198788.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2022/03/25 11:59 by yves