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 This hybrid configuration model also means you can scale easily over time: you can start with a setup whereby your slides are mostly placed on a (big) local hard disk. After a while, you switch over to your organization'​s network storage. Even at a later stage, you can transparently migrate to S3-compliant cloud storage. When you have an external collaborator that temporarily wants to share their slide collection with you, you can ask them to setup an FTP server and patch a root-directory through to that one. This hybrid configuration model also means you can scale easily over time: you can start with a setup whereby your slides are mostly placed on a (big) local hard disk. After a while, you switch over to your organization'​s network storage. Even at a later stage, you can transparently migrate to S3-compliant cloud storage. When you have an external collaborator that temporarily wants to share their slide collection with you, you can ask them to setup an FTP server and patch a root-directory through to that one.
-[[rootdir|Root-directory resources]] can have authentication and impersonation information attached to them. In addition, PMA.core has its own [[acl|access control lists]] to determine what [[groups]] and [[user_management|individual users]] can see and do (according to [[crud|the CRUD principle]]).+[[rootdir|Root-directory resources]] can have authentication and impersonation information attached to them. In addition, PMA.core has its own [[acl|access control lists]] to determine what [[user_groups]] and [[user_management|individual users]] can see and do (according to [[crud|the CRUD principle]]).
 A comprehensive blog article on the subject of storage and image management is provided at [[https://​|our blog]]. A comprehensive blog article on the subject of storage and image management is provided at [[https://​|our blog]].
storage_management.1644596595.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2022/02/11 19:23 by yves