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Tab inventory ribbon consists of number of tabs that hold set of controls to perform different actions on selected slides.

See also our Ribbon commands overview.

Currently the ribbon has 4 tabs enabled by default, with 3 additional experimental ones available:

Tab Availability PMA.vue
Home Default Yes Yes
Grid Default no Yes
Annotations Default no Yes
Pre-set annotations Experimental no Yes
Conferencing Experimental no Yes
AI Experimental no Yes
Configure Default no Yes

Home tab

The HOME tab consists of different sections that contain set of controls for:

Group Function Icon PMA.vue
Layout Default layout Yes Yes
Layout with slide info and annotations Yes Yes
Layout with tray no Yes
Layout with info, annotations, and tray no Yes
Custom layout no Yes
Viewport Toggle overview Yes Yes
Toggle slide path Yes Yes
Toggle barcode Yes Yes
Toggle rotation no Yes
Apply brightness and contrast no Yes
Create new viewport Yes Yes
Reset panel layout Yes Yes
Toggle zoom controls Yes Yes
Toggle scalebar Yes Yes
Toggle slide label Yes Yes
Toggle channels control no Yes
Toggle color settings panel no Yes
Flip/rotate no Yes
Navigate Toggle search panel no Yes
Open selected directory (as grid) Yes Yes
Go to previous directory Yes Yes
Go to next directory Yes Yes
Go to previous slide Yes Yes
Go to next slide Yes Yes
Create bookmark no Yes
Grid Create new grid no Yes
Synchronize Yes Yes
Clear all grid cells Yes Yes
Clear current cell Yes Yes
Move current cell to new viewport Yes Yes
Slides info no Yes
Snap Snapshot of current image (with options) Yes Yes
Quick snapshot (viewport) no Yes
Magnify Toggle bottom viewport toolbar Yes
Zoom out Yes
Zoom in Yes
Slide Zoom to 1X magnification
Zoom to 2X magnification Yes
Zoom to 3X magnification Yes
Zoom to 4X magnification Yes
Zoom to 5X magnification Yes
Zoom to 10X magnification Yes
Zoom to 20X magnification Yes
Zoom to 40X magnification Yes
Toggle color settings panel Yes
Pop-out selected slide Yes
Tray Send slide to tray Yes
Send directory to tray Yes
Toggle tray panel Yes
Share tray Yes
Share Share current folder Yes Yes
Share current slide Yes Yes
Share ROI Yes Yes
Share current grid Yes Yes
Share grid of ROIs Yes Yes
Share barcode Yes Yes
Share thumbnail Yes Yes
Share custom content Yes Yes

Grid tab

The GRID tab consists of different sections that contain set of controls:

Annotations tab

Whether you use a digital pen, touchscreen, or mouse, the annotation features in can help you add notes, create shapes, edit text, and more.

The annotations tab consists of different sections that contain set of controls for:

Group Function Icon PMA.vue
Annotations Cursor no Yes
Save annotations no Yes
Show annotations (based on fingerprint) no Yes
Delete all annotations no Yes
Visual Toggle annotations panel no Yes
Toggle annotations no Yes
Toggle annotations text no Yes
Style Set annotations color no Yes
Select pen width no Yes
Select annotation opacity no Yes
Set annotations fill color no Yes
Select annotation fill opacity no Yes
Editing Edit annotation text and classification no Yes
Modify selected annotation no Yes
Delete annotation no Yes
Brush no Yes
Union selected no Yes
Points and landmarks Single point no Yes
Landmark 1: Flexible arow no Yes
Landmark 2: Fixed arrow no Yes
Landmark 3: Fixed flag no Yes
Multi-point no Yes
Lines and curves Line no Yes
Freehand no Yes
Merge lines into polygon no Yes
Simple shapes Rectangle no Yes
Circle no Yes
Ellipse no Yes
Polygon shapes Polygon no Yes
Closed freehand no Yes
Compound freehand no Yes
Wand no Yes
Export Export to .wkt (Well Known Text) no Yes
Export to .mld (Visiopharm) no Yes
Export to .annotations (Indica Labs) no Yes
Export to .xml (Aperio) no Yes
Export to .csv (Excel, Tableau…) no Yes
Import Import .wkt no Yes
Import .mld no Yes
Import .annotations no Yes
Import .csv no Yes

Configure tab

ribbon_tabs.1677592678.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/02/28 16:57 by yves