Table of Contents


The first tool group in the Home tab is Layouts.
The pre-set layout buttons can also be found in the Configure tab

These buttons allow for quick switching between workflows with commonly used combinations of panels, or allow you to fully customize which panels are open.

You can read a general overview of what panels are for here or look at the specific page for the panel you're interested in for more details.

The Quick Layouts

The first 4 buttons open pre-set configurations - if you have a specific set of panels you work with often, you can ask your administrator to set up a new shortcut for you.

For example clicking the fourth button:

Opens three panels - the file browser, the tray panel, and the slide info panel:

The Custom Layout Button

The fifth button with the settings cog inside is the custom layout button:

It pops open a menu in which you can check on/off all the panels you would like to see/hide