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initiating_an_upload [2020/09/04 18:41]
initiating_an_upload [2021/07/08 15:46] (current)
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 +===== Initiating an upload =====
 In the context of PMA.transfer,​ an upload refers to the action of transferring a slide from a local site (local HDD) to a remote server (either PMA.core or My Pathomation). In the context of PMA.transfer,​ an upload refers to the action of transferring a slide from a local site (local HDD) to a remote server (either PMA.core or My Pathomation).
 There are four options to launch an upload : There are four options to launch an upload :
initiating_an_upload.1599234065.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2020/09/04 18:41 by yassine