pma_python package
PMA module
- _pma_clear_url_cache()
- _pma_http_get(url, headers, verify=True)
- _pma_join(*s)
- _pma_q(arg)
- _pma_set_debug_flag(flag)
Determine whether pma_python runs in debugging mode or not. When in debugging mode (flag = true), extra output is produced when certain conditions in the code are not met
- get_supported_formats(pandas=False, verify=True)
Get an up-to-date list of all supported file formats on the Pathomation software platform
Core module
- class UploadChunksIterator(file: BufferedReader, filename, total_size: int, callback, chunk_size: int = 16384)
- _pma_api_url(sessionID=None)
Internal methods prefixed with _pma_ are not supposed to be invoked by consumers directly
- _pma_first_session_id()
Internal methods prefixed with _pma_ are not supposed to be invoked by consumers directly
- _pma_is_lite(pmacoreURL='http://localhost:54001/', verify=True)
Internal methods prefixed with _pma_ are not supposed to be invoked by consumers directly
- _pma_merge_dict_values(dicts)
Internal methods prefixed with _pma_ are not supposed to be invoked by consumers directly
- _pma_query_url(sessionID=None)
Internal methods prefixed with _pma_ are not supposed to be invoked by consumers directly
- _pma_session_id(sessionID=None)
Internal methods prefixed with _pma_ are not supposed to be invoked by consumers directly
- _pma_upload_amazon_callback(bytes_read, total_size, previous, filename)
- _pma_upload_callback(monitor, filename)
- _pma_url(sessionID=None)
Internal methods prefixed with _pma_ are not supposed to be invoked by consumers directly
- add_annotation(slideRef, classification, notes, ann, color='#000000', layerID=0, sessionID=None, verify=True)
Adds an annotation to a slide with the specified parameters
- Parameters
slideRef (str) – The slide path to add annotation to
classification (str) – A string representing the class of this annotation (tumor, necrosis etc)
notes (str) – A string for free text notes to be associated with this annotation
ann – A Well-Known Text (WKT) representation of the geometry of this annotation; can be a dictionary as well
color (str, optional) – An HTML color, defaults to “#000000”
layerID (int, optional) – The layer id to attach this annotation to, defaults to 0
sessionID (str, optional) – The PMA.core session id, defaults to None for autodetection
- Raises
ValueError – If the server response is not in a known format
- Returns
JSON object containing the annotation ID
- Return type
- add_annotations(slideRef, classification, notes, anns, color='#000000', layerID=0, sessionID=None, verify=True)
Adds multiple annotations to a slide with the specified parameters
- Parameters
slideRef (str) – The slide path to add annotation to
classification (str) – A string representing the class of this annotation (tumor, necrosis etc)
notes (str) – A string for free text notes to be associated with this annotations. If param Notes is empty the notes parameter of the annotations object will be used
anns (list) – A list of Well-Known Text (WKT) representation of the geometry of this annotation
color (str, optional) – An HTML color, defaults to “#000000”; you can specify a separate color for each annotation individually as well
layerID (int, optional) – The layer id to attach this annotation to, defaults to 0
sessionID (str, optional) – The PMA.core session id, defaults to None for autodetection
verify (boolean, optional) – confirm whether TLS connection has to be verified
- Raises
ValueError – If the server response is not in a known format
- Returns
An integer representing the annotation id
- Return type
In case if you want to have different notes per annotation the notes parameter has to be empty and the annotation dictionary should contain a notes key: value pair.
- analyse_corresponding_root_directories(sessionIDs)
Return a pandas DataFrame that indicates which root-directories exist on which PMA.core instances
- analyse_corresponding_slides(sessionPathDict, recursive=False, includeFingerprint=False)
Return a pandas DataFrame that indicates which slides exist on which PMA.core instances :param dict sessionPathDict: a dictionary that looks e.g. like
{DevSessionID: rootDirAndPath1, ProdSessionID: rootDirAndPath2 }
- Parameters
recursive (bool) – indicates whether the method should look in sub-directories or not
- clear_all_annotations(slideRef, sessionID=None)
- clear_annotations(slideRef, layerID, sessionID=None, verify=True)
- connect(pmacoreURL='http://localhost:54001/', pmacoreUsername='', pmacorePassword='', verify=True)
Attempt to connect to PMA.core instance; success results in a SessionID
- disconnect(sessionID=None)
Attempt to disconnect from a PMA.core instance
- download(slideRef, save_directory=None, sessionID=None, verify=True)
Downloads a slide from a PMA.core server. :param str slideRef: The virtual path to the slide :param str save_directory: The local directory to save the downloaded files to :param str sessionID: The sessionID to authenticate to the pma.core server
- dummy_annotation()
Returns a dictionary with the right keys and default values filled out already to be used as input for add_annotation() and add_annotations
- export_annotations(slideRef, annotation_source_format=[0], annotation_target_format=3, sessionID=None, verify=True)
Retrieve the annotations for slide slideRef
- get_annotation_distance(slideRef, layerID, annotationID, sessionID=None, verify=True)
- get_annotation_surface_area(slideRef, layerID, annotationID, sessionID=None, verify=True)
- get_annotations(slideRef, sessionID=None, verify=True)
Retrieve the annotations for slide slideRef
- get_api_verion_string(pmacoreURL='http://localhost:54001/')
Returns the API version as a formatted string, rather than a list
- get_api_version(pmacoreURL='http://localhost:54001/', verify=True)
Retrieves the API version exposed by the underlying PMA.core (no authentication or sessionID needed for this)
- get_available_forms(slideRef=None, sessionID=None, verify=True)
See what forms are available to fill out, either system-wide (leave slideref to None), or for a particular slide
- get_barcode_image(slideRef, width=None, height=None, sessionID=None, verify=True)
Get the barcode (alias for “label”) image for a slide
- get_barcode_text(slideRef, sessionID=None, verify=True)
Get the text encoded by the barcode (if there IS a barcode on the slide to begin with)
- get_barcode_url(slideRef, width=None, height=None, sessionID=None)
Get the URL that points to the barcode (alias for “label”) for a slide
- get_build_revision(pmacoreURL='http://localhost:54001/', verify=True)
Get build revision from PMA.core instance running at pmacoreURL. Return None if PMA.core not found running at pmacoreURL endpoint
- get_directories(startDir, sessionID=None, recursive=False, verify=True)
Return an array of sub-directories available to sessionID in the startDir directory
- get_files_for_slide(slideRef, sessionID=None, verify=True)
Obtain all files actually associated with a specific slide This is most relevant with slides that are defined by multiple files, like MRXS or VSI
- get_fingerprint(slideRef, sessionID=None, verify=True)
Get the fingerprint for a specific slide
- get_first_non_empty_directory(startDir=None, sessionID=None)
- Traversing a folder hierarchy for find any non-empty data (sample slides) is a stupid repetitive task
This method makes it easy to do this. When you need any sample slides on any PMA.core instance, use this method to find any folder that has some data in it
- get_label_image(slideRef, width=None, height=None, sessionID=None)
Get the label image for a slide
- get_label_url(slideRef, width=None, height=None, sessionID=None)
Get the URL that points to the label for a slide
- get_last_modified_date(slideRef, sessionID=None)
- get_macro_image(slideRef, width=None, height=None, sessionID=None, verify=True)
Get the macro image for a slide
- get_macro_url(slideRef, width=None, height=None, sessionID=None)
Get the URL that points to the macro image (thumbnail + label) for a slide
- get_magnification(slideRef, zoomlevel=None, exact=False, sessionID=None)
Get the magnification represented at a certain zoomlevel
- get_max_zoomlevel(slideRef, sessionID=None)
Determine the maximum zoomlevel that still represents an optical magnification
- get_number_of_channels(slideRef, sessionID=None)
Number of fluorescent channels for a slide (when slide is brightfield, return is always 1)
- get_number_of_layers(slideRef, sessionID=None)
Number of (z-stacked) layers for a slide
- get_number_of_tiles(slideRef, zoomlevel=None, sessionID=None)
Determine the number of tiles needed to reconstitute a slide at a given zoomlevel
- get_number_of_z_stack_layers(slideRef, sessionID=None)
Number of z-stack layers for a slide
- get_physical_dimensions(slideRef, sessionID=None)
Determine the physical dimensions of the sample represented by the slide. This is independent of the zoomlevel: the physical properties don’t change because the magnification changes
- get_pixel_dimensions(slideRef, zoomlevel=None, sessionID=None)
Get the total dimensions of a slide image at a given zoomlevel
- get_pixels_per_micrometer(slideRef, zoomlevel=None, sessionID=None)
Retrieve the physical dimension in terms of pixels per micrometer. When zoomlevel is left to its default value of None, dimensions at the highest zoomlevel are returned (in effect returning the “native” resolution at which the slide was registered)
- get_region(slideRef, x=0, y=0, width=0, height=0, scale=1, zstack=0, sessionID=None, format='jpg', quality=100, rotation=0, contrast=None, brightness=None, postGamma=None, dpi=300, flipVertical=False, flipHorizontal=False, annotationsLayerType=None, drawFilename=0, downloadInsteadOfDisplay=False, drawScaleBar=False, gamma=[], channelClipping=[], verify=True)
Gets a region of the slide at the specified scale Format can be ‘jpg’ or ‘png’ Quality is an integer value and varies from 0 (as much compression as possible; not recommended) to 100 (100%, no compression) x,y,width,height is the region to get rotation is the rotation in degrees of the slide to get
- get_root_directories(sessionID=None, verify=True)
Return an array of root-directories available to sessionID
- get_slide_file_extension(slideRef)
Determine the file extension for this slide
- get_slide_file_name(slideRef)
Determine the file name (with extension) for this slide
- get_slide_info(slideRef, sessionID=None, verify=True)
Return raw image information in the form of nested dictionaries
- get_slides(startDir, sessionID=None, recursive=False, verify=True)
Return an array of slides available to sessionID in the startDir directory The recursive argument can be either of boolean or of integer type.
:param recursive : If recursive is False (boolean) or 0 (integer), no recursion takes place If recursive is True (boolean), then the folder structure will be traversed recursively down to the deepest level But setting recursive to True is actually not recommended, as you may not know how far down a folder structure goes (or just be plain wrong assuming it’s shallow). A better approach therefore is to set recursive to an integer value that indicates how many levels deep the parsing should go at most. Setting recursive to 1 means that only the subfolders of startDir will be included; Setting recursive to 2 means that the subfolders AND the subfolders of these subfolders will be included. Setting recursive to 3 means that the subfolders AND the subfolders of these subfolders AND the subfolders of the subfolders of these subfolders will be included. Etcetera
- get_submitted_form_data(slideRef, sessionID=None, verify=True)
Get all submitted form data associated with a specific slide
- get_submitted_forms(slideRef, sessionID=None, verify=True)
Find out what forms where submitted for a specific slide
- get_thumbnail_image(slideRef, width=None, height=None, sessionID=None, verify=True)
Get the thumbnail image for a slide
- get_thumbnail_url(slideRef, width=None, height=None, sessionID=None)
Get the URL that points to the thumbnail for a slide
- get_tile(slideRef, x=0, y=0, zoomlevel=None, zstack=0, sessionID=None, format='jpg', quality=100, verify=True)
Get a single tile at position (x, y) Format can be ‘jpg’ or ‘png’ Quality is an integer value and varies from 0 (as much compression as possible; not recommended) to 100 (100%, no compression)
- get_tile_size(sessionID=None)
Retrieve the standard tile size set by the PMA.core instance linked to the sessionID
- get_tile_url(slideRef, x=0, y=0, zoomlevel=None, zstack=0, sessionID=None, format='jpg', quality=100, verify=True)
Get a single tile at position (x, y) Format can be ‘jpg’ or ‘png’ Quality is an integer value and varies from 0 (as much compression as possible; not recommended) to 100 (100%, no compression)
- get_tiles(slideRef, fromX=0, fromY=0, toX=None, toY=None, zoomlevel=None, zstack=0, sessionID=None, format='jpg', quality=100)
Get all tiles with a (fromX, fromY, toX, toY) rectangle. Navigate left to right, top to bottom Format can be ‘jpg’ or ‘png’ Quality is an integer value and varies from 0 (as much compression as possible; not recommended) to 100 (100%, no compression)
- get_uid(slideRef, sessionID=None, verify=True)
Get the UID for a specific slide
- get_version_info(pmacoreURL='http://localhost:54001/', verify=True)
Get version info from PMA.core instance running at pmacoreURL. Return None if PMA.core not found running at pmacoreURL endpoint
- get_zoomlevels_dict(slideRef, sessionID=None, min_number_of_tiles=0)
Obtain a dictionary with the number of tiles per zoomlevel. Information is returned as (x, y, n) tuples per zoomlevel, with
x = number of horizontal tiles, y = number of vertical tiles, n = total number of tiles at specified zoomlevel (x * y)
Use min_number_of_tiles argument to specify that you’re only interested in zoomlevels that include at lease a given number of tiles
- get_zoomlevels_list(slideRef, sessionID=None, min_number_of_tiles=0)
Obtain a list with all zoomlevels, starting with 0 and up to and including max_zoomlevel Use min_number_of_tiles argument to specify that you’re only interested in zoomlevels that include at lease a given number of tiles
- is_fluorescent(slideRef, sessionID=None)
Determine whether a slide is a fluorescent image or not
- is_lite(pmacoreURL='http://localhost:54001/')
Checks to see if PMA.core.lite (server component of PMA.start) is running at a given endpoint. if pmacoreURL is omitted, default check is to see if PMA.start is effectively running at localhost (defined by _pma_pmacoreliteURL).Note that PMA.start may not be running, while it is actually installed. This method doesn’t detect whether PMA.start is installed; merely whether it’s running! if pmacoreURL is specified, then the method checks if there’s an instance of PMA.start (results in True), PMA.core (results in False) or nothing (at least not a Pathomation software platform component) at all (results in None)
- is_multi_layer(slideRef, sessionID=None)
Determine whether a slide contains multiple (stacked) layers or not
- is_z_stack(slideRef, sessionID=None)
Determine whether a slide is a z-stack or not
- prepare_form_dictionary(formID, sessionID=None, verify=True)
Prepare a form-dictionary that can be used later on to submit new form data for a slide
- register_session_id(session_id, pma_core_url)
Registers a session ID with it’s corresponding server URL
- search_slides(startDir, pattern, sessionID=None, verify=True)
- sessions()
Return an overview of all the sessions that PMA.python currently holds in memory
- set_debug_flag(flag)
Determine whether Core module runs in debugging mode or not. When in debugging mode (flag = true), extra output is produced when certain conditions in the code are not met
- show_slide(slideRef, sessionID=None)
Launch the default webbrowser and load a web-based viewer for the slide
- submit_form_data(slideRef, formID, formDict, sessionID=None)
Not implemented yet
- upload(local_source_slide, target_folder, target_pma_core_sessionID, callback=None, verify=True)
Uploads a slide to a PMA.core server. Requires a PMA.start installation :param str local_source_slide: The local PMA.start relative file to upload :param str target_folder: The root directory and path to upload to the PMA.core server :param str target_pma_core_sessionID: A valid session id for a PMA.core server :param function|boolean callback: If True a default progress will be printed.
If a function is passed it will be called for progress on each file upload. The function has the following signature:
callback(bytes_read, bytes_length, filename)
- who_am_i(sessionID=None)
Getting information about your Session
Control module
- _pma_format_project_embedded_training_sessions_properly(original_project_sessions)
Helper method to convert a list of sessions with default arguments into a summarized dictionary
- _pma_format_training_session_properly(sess)
Helper method to convert a JSON representation of a PMA.control training session to a proper Python-esque structure
- _pma_get_case_collection_training_session_id(pmacontrolURL, pmacontrolTrainingSessionID, pmacontrolCaseCollectionID, pmacoreSessionID)
- _pma_get_case_collections(pmacontrolURL, pmacoreSessionID)
Retrieve all the data for all the defined case collections in PMA.control (RAW JSON data; not suited for human consumption)
- _pma_get_projects(pmacontrolURL, pmacoreSessionID)
Retrieve all projects and their data in PMA.control (RAW JSON data; not suited for human consumption)
- _pma_get_training_sessions(pmacontrolURL, pmacoreSessionID)
Retrieve a list of currently defined training sessions in PMA.control.
- get_all_participants(pmacontrolURL, pmacoreSessionID)
Get a list of all participants registered across all sessions
- get_case_collection(pmacontrolURL, pmacontrolCaseCollectionID, pmacoreSessionID)
Retrieve case collection details
- get_case_collection_titles(pmacontrolURL, pmacontrolProjectID, pmacoreSessionID)
Retrieve case collections (possibly filtered by project ID), titles only
- get_case_collection_titles_dict(pmacontrolURL, pmacontrolProjectID, pmacoreSessionID)
Retrieve case collections (possibly filtered by project ID), return a dictionary of case collection IDs and titles
- get_case_collections(pmacontrolURL, pmacontrolProjectID, pmacoreSessionID)
Retrieve case collection details that belong to a specific project
- get_cases_for_case_collection(pmacontrolURL, pmacontrolCaseCollectionID, pmacoreSessionID)
Retrieve cases for a specific collection
- get_project(pmacontrolURL, pmacontrolProjectID, pmacoreSessionID)
Retrieve project details
- get_project_by_case_collection_id(pmacontrolURL, pmacontrolCaseCollectionID, pmacoreSessionID)
Retrieve case collection based on the case ID
- get_project_by_case_id(pmacontrolURL, pmacontrolCaseID, pmacoreSessionID)
Retrieve case collection based on the case ID
- get_project_titles(pmacontrolURL, pmacoreSessionID)
Retrieve projects, return ONLY the titles
- get_project_titles_dict(pmacontrolURL, pmacoreSessionID)
Retrieve projects, return a dictionary of project-IDs and titles
- get_projects(pmacontrolURL, pmacoreSessionID)
Retrieve project details for all projects
- get_training_session(pmacontrolURL, pmacontrolTrainingSessionID, pmacoreSessionID)
Return the first (training) session with ID = pmacontrolTrainingSessionID
- get_training_session_participants(pmacontrolURL, pmacontrolTrainingSessionID, pmacoreSessionID)
Extract the participants in a particular session
- get_training_session_titles(pmacontrolURL, pmacontrolProjectID, pmacoreSessionID)
Retrieve sessions (possibly filtered by project ID), titles only
- get_training_session_titles_dict(pmacontrolURL, pmacontrolProjectID, pmacoreSessionID)
Retrieve (training) sessions (possibly filtered by project ID), return a dictionary of session IDs and titles
- get_training_session_url(pmacontrolURL, participantSessionID, participantUsername, pmacontrolTrainingSessionID, pmacontrolCaseCollectionID, pmacoreSessionID)
- get_training_sessions(pmacontrolURL, pmacontrolProjectID, pmacoreSessionID)
Retrieve (training) sessions (possibly filtered by project ID), return a dictionary of session IDs and titles
- get_training_sessions_for_participant(pmacontrolURL, participantUsername, pmacoreSessionID)
- get_version_info(pmacontrolURL)
Get version info from PMA.control instance running at pmacontrolURL
- is_participant_in_training_session(pmacontrolURL, participantUsername, pmacontrolTrainingSessionID, pmacoreSessionID)
Check to see if a specific user participates in a specific session
- register_participant_for_project(pmacontrolURL, participantUsername, pmacontrolProjectID, pmacontrolRole, pmacoreSessionID, pmacontrolInteractionMode=0)
Registers a participant for all sessions in a given project, assigning a specific role
- register_participant_for_training_session(pmacontrolURL, participantUsername, pmacontrolTrainingSessionID, pmacontrolRole, pmacoreSessionID, pmacontrolInteractionMode=0)
Registers a participant for a given session, assign a specific role
- search_case_collection(pmacontrolURL, titleSubstring, pmacoreSessionID)
Return the first collection that has titleSubstring as part of its string; search is case insensitive
- search_project(pmacontrolURL, titleSubstring, pmacoreSessionID)
Return the first project that has titleSubstring as part of its string; search is case insensitive
- search_training_session(pmacontrolURL, titleSubstring, pmacoreSessionID)
Return the first (training) session that has titleSubstring as part of its string; search is case insensitive
- set_debug_flag(flag)
Determine whether pma_python module runs in debugging mode or not. When in debugging mode (flag = true), extra output is produced when certain conditions in the code are not met
- set_participant_interactionmode(pmacontrolURL, participantUsername, pmacontrolTrainingSessionID, pmacontrolCaseCollectionID, pmacontrolInteractionMode, pmacoreSessionID)
Assign an interaction mode to a participant for a given Case Collection within a training session
Admin module
- _pma_admin_url(sessionID=None)
- _pma_check_for_pma_start(method='', url=None, session=None)
- _pma_http_post(url, data, verify=True)
- add_user(admSessionID, login, firstName, lastName, email, pwd, canAnnotate=False, isAdmin=False, isSuspended=False)
- admin_connect(pmacoreURL, pmacoreAdmUsername, pmacoreAdmPassword)
Attempt to connect to PMA.core instance; success results in a SessionID only success if the user has administrative status
- admin_disconnect(admSessionID=None)
Attempt to disconnect from PMA.core instance; True if valid admSessionID was indeed disconnected
- create_amazons3_mounting_point(accessKey, secretKey, path, instanceId, chunkSize=1048576, serviceUrl=None)
create an Amazon S3 mounting point. A list of these is to be used to supply method create_root_directory()
- create_directory(admSessionID, path)
- create_dropbox_mounting_point()
Placeholder for future functionality
- create_filesystem_mounting_point(username, password, domainName, path, instanceId)
create an FileSystem mounting point. A list of these is to be used to supply method create_root_directory()
- create_googledrive_mounting_point()
Placeholder for future functionality
- create_onedrive_mounting_point()
Placeholder for future functionality
- create_root_directory(admSessionID, alias, amazonS3MountingPoints=None, fileSystemMountingPoints=None, description='Root dir created through pma_python', isPublic=False, isOffline=False, verify=True)
- delete_directory(admSessionID, path)
Deletes a directory from the PMA.core storage
- delete_slide(admSessionID, slideRef)
Deletes a slide from the PMA.core storage
- rename_directory(admSessionID, originalPath, newName)
- reverse_root_directory(admSessionID, alias, verify=True)
lookup the reverse path of a root-directory
- reverse_uid(admSessionID, slideRefUid, verify=True)
lookup the reverse path of a UID for a specific slide
- send_email_reminder(admSessionID, login, subject='PMA.core password reminder')
Send out an email reminder to the address associated with user login
- set_debug_flag(flag)
Determine whether pma_python runs in debugging mode or not. When in debugging mode (flag = true), extra output is produced when certain conditions in the code are not met
- user_exists(admSessionID, u)
Version module
View module
- get_version_info(pmaviewURL)
Get version info from PMA.view instance running at pmaviewURL
- set_debug_flag(flag)
Determine whether pma_python runs in debugging mode or not. When in debugging mode (flag = true), extra output is produced when certain conditions in the code are not met