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core [2021/06/01 16:07]
yves created
core [2021/06/01 16:07] (current)
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 PMA.slidebox re-uses the same user account time and time again. This means that when you have two people John and Michael navigating to your PMA.slidebox website, you won't be able to distinguish who did what afterwards. There'​s no audit trailing or individual tracking with PMA.slidebox (if you do need that kind of granularity,​ refer to [[https://​​|]] or [[https://​​pma.control|PMA.control]]). ​ PMA.slidebox re-uses the same user account time and time again. This means that when you have two people John and Michael navigating to your PMA.slidebox website, you won't be able to distinguish who did what afterwards. There'​s no audit trailing or individual tracking with PMA.slidebox (if you do need that kind of granularity,​ refer to [[https://​​|]] or [[https://​​pma.control|PMA.control]]). ​
 +=== What's next? ===
 +Now you're ready to [[core_slidebox|couple PMA.slidebox back to PMA.core]].
core.1622552821.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/06/01 16:07 by yves