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data_compliance_and_wsi [2023/11/09 17:17]
data_compliance_and_wsi [2023/11/09 17:17]
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-**Privacy Regulations and WSI**+==== Privacy Regulations and WSI ====
 Whole Slide Imaging (WSI) is a relatively new category of patient data. As such, recently, some efforts have been made to better understand how WSIs (whole slide images) can be utilized in a balancing act: maximizing individual and public benefit, while at the same time, restricting and protecting its access, whenever such access would pose a potential privacy risk and non-compliance with data privacy laws (e.g. GDPR). Although by itself the patient’s photographic tissue image falls under the category of de facto anonymity (https://​​data-privacy/​resources/​personaldata/​ ) of GDPR guidance, the existence of patient-ids and/or other tags attached to the WSI increase the likelihood of patient identification,​ and raise potential privacy issues. (Holub et al., 2023). Whole Slide Imaging (WSI) is a relatively new category of patient data. As such, recently, some efforts have been made to better understand how WSIs (whole slide images) can be utilized in a balancing act: maximizing individual and public benefit, while at the same time, restricting and protecting its access, whenever such access would pose a potential privacy risk and non-compliance with data privacy laws (e.g. GDPR). Although by itself the patient’s photographic tissue image falls under the category of de facto anonymity (https://​​data-privacy/​resources/​personaldata/​ ) of GDPR guidance, the existence of patient-ids and/or other tags attached to the WSI increase the likelihood of patient identification,​ and raise potential privacy issues. (Holub et al., 2023).
data_compliance_and_wsi.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/09 17:19 by chris