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settings_cache [2022/03/28 19:53]
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-===== Cache settings =====  
-In the cache settings section the cache strategy of the system can be defined. 
-The learn more about what kind of data is cached in general, see [[caching|this page]]. 
-^ Field ^ Description ^ 
-| Use cache | Indicates whether or not the system caches requested tiles. By default, caching is turned off. | 
-| Cache path | The directory where cache files are stored. This is a web application relative path | 
-| Retention days | The number of days after which a cache file is automatically erased by the system |  
-| Tile cache | Indication of current space consumption of cached tiles | 
-| S3 cache | Indication of current space consumption of cached chunks of slides that reside on S3 storage | 
-| Total cache size | Accumulated cache space consumption | 
-==== Operations ==== 
-^ Operation ^ Description ^ 
-| Empty cache older than retention days | Erase cache files that haven'​t been consulted recently | 
-| Empty cache for orphan slides | Erases cache files for slides that do not exist anymore | 
-| Empty all cache | Erases all cache files | 
-| Save | Saves the cache settings | 
settings_cache.1648486414.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2022/03/28 19:53 by yves