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interfacing_the_server_from_3rd_party_software [2021/07/08 16:17]
interfacing_the_server_from_3rd_party_software [2023/11/27 17:39] (current)
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 ===== Interfacing with PMA.core from 3rd party software =====  ===== Interfacing with PMA.core from 3rd party software ===== 
-PMA.core is a very flexible product. In such, it can be interfaced with from a number of other environments. ​That type of operations ​is outside the scope of this document ​howeverand we will suffice with a short outline of the various types of interaction here.+PMA.core is a very flexible product ​can be interfaced with from a number of other environments. ​While an exhaustive guide on how to interact with PMA.core from every possible software ​is outside the scope of this document, we offer a short outline of the various types of interaction here.
 ==== Downstream Pathomation products ==== ==== Downstream Pathomation products ====
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 Pathomation provides [[https://​​platform|a comprehensive software platform for digital pathology and virtual microscopy]]. As such, virtually all of our end-user products rely on PMA.core to serve slide content ([[https://​​watch?​v=sepPIexKELE|learn more about whole slide images and why you need a tile server in the first place]]) Pathomation provides [[https://​​platform|a comprehensive software platform for digital pathology and virtual microscopy]]. As such, virtually all of our end-user products rely on PMA.core to serve slide content ([[https://​​watch?​v=sepPIexKELE|learn more about whole slide images and why you need a tile server in the first place]])
-A full overview of Pathomation products is available at [[https://​​products|https://​​products]].+A full overview of all Pathomation products is available at [[https://​​products|https://​​products]].
 ==== Plugins for third-party software ==== ==== Plugins for third-party software ====
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 {{::​languages2.png?​nolink&​200|}} {{::​languages2.png?​nolink&​200|}}
-Still can't find what you're looking for with a plugin? We have a separate [[https://​​developer|developer portal page]] where we take a look at how we allow integration ​with many more environments,​ platforms, and programming languages.+Still can't find what you're looking for with a plugin? We have a separate [[https://​​developer|developer portal page]] where you can take a look at how to integrate ​with many more environments,​ platforms, and programming languages.
interfacing_the_server_from_3rd_party_software.1625750223.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2021/07/08 16:17 by