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image_manager [2022/08/22 13:46]
yves [Slide view (right panel)]
image_manager [2023/11/21 16:22] (current)
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 ===== Image management ===== ===== Image management =====
-The image manager is accessible from the "​Images"​ option on the left menu. This section allows the user to browse through the available virtual slides, manage the [[caching|cache files]], view, move and rename each image and [[viewport|launch the built in slide viewer]].+The image manager is accessible from the "​Images"​ option on the left menu. This section allows the user to browse through the available virtual slides, [[viewport|launch the built in slide viewer]], manage the [[caching|cache files]], view, move and rename each image.
 {{ :​man.png?​nolink&​400 |}} {{ :​man.png?​nolink&​400 |}}
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 {{::​img_man_left.png?​400|}} {{::​img_man_left.png?​400|}}
-In this view, only the root directories ​appear ​that the administrator has access to according to [[rootdir_security|ACL rules]]. [[rootdir_security#​public_vs_private|Public root directories]] (by definition) are always included here.+In this view, only the root directories that the administrator has access to appear (according to [[rootdir_security|ACL rules]]). [[rootdir_security#​public_vs_private|Public root directories]] (by definition) are always included here.
-It is possible for an administrator to manage mappings to 100s of root-directories and access pointswithout actually being able to navigate the content in these folders. When an administrator ​therefore ​wants to inspect ​certain ​content of a [[rootdir_security#​public_vs_private|private root directory]],​ it may be necessary to temporarily change this directory'​s access properties.+It is possible for an administrator to manage mappings to 100s of root-directories and access points without actually being able to navigate the content in these folders. When an administrator wants to inspect ​the content of a [[rootdir_security#​public_vs_private|private root directory]],​ it may be necessary to temporarily change this directory'​s access properties.
 Root directories that are NOT available for technical reasons, //are// shown in the folder hierarchy. The reason for this is: PMA.core is an administrative tool, and it must be possible for an administrator to emulate a non-accessible root directory to trigger a particular error that can then be further inspected via the [[elmah|Elmah log]]. Root directories that are NOT available for technical reasons, //are// shown in the folder hierarchy. The reason for this is: PMA.core is an administrative tool, and it must be possible for an administrator to emulate a non-accessible root directory to trigger a particular error that can then be further inspected via the [[elmah|Elmah log]].
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 {{::​img_man_search.png?​400|}} {{::​img_man_search.png?​400|}}
-A search bar let'​s ​you search for specific files or extensions across the entire spectrum of the PMA.core server (this feature is mainly useful during startup; ​search ​a multi-terabyte repository this way in real-time is not very practical, and we've developed [[https://​​products|other products]] to facilitate this latter use case more efficiently).+A search bar lets you search for specific files or extensions across the entire spectrum of the PMA.core server (this feature is mainly useful during startup; ​searching ​a multi-terabyte repository this way in real-time is not very practical, and we've developed [[https://​​products|other products]] to facilitate this latter use case more efficiently).
 There'​s a [[image_manager_left_menu|dropdown menu]] to provide convenient access to certain managerial tasks related to the image management view. There'​s a [[image_manager_left_menu|dropdown menu]] to provide convenient access to certain managerial tasks related to the image management view.
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 {{::​img_man_mid.png?​600|}} {{::​img_man_mid.png?​600|}}
-Similarly to the Tree view, there'​s a quick menu access menu to provide convenient access to certain managerial tasks related to the directory content view.+Similarly to the Tree view, there'​s a quick access menu to provide convenient access to certain managerial tasks related to the directory content view.
 [[image_manager_mid_menu|Several operations can be performed on a directory]]. [[image_manager_mid_menu|Several operations can be performed on a directory]].
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   * Move image: Moves the image to another directory   * Move image: Moves the image to another directory
   * Rename image: Renames the image   * Rename image: Renames the image
-  * Heatmap: Displays a heatmap which highlights the areas of the image that have been consulted most so far+  * Heatmap: Displays a heatmap which highlights the most consulted ​areas of the image
   * Event log: Displays a list of events that involve the currently selected image   * Event log: Displays a list of events that involve the currently selected image
image_manager.1661165190.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2022/08/22 13:46 by yves