The image manager is accessible from the “Images” option on the left menu. This section allows the user to browse through the available virtual slides, launch the built in slide viewer, manage the cache files, view, move and rename each image.
Using the tree view the user can navigate through the available directories. You only see the sub directories that are “true” sub directories. PMA.core is smart enough to filter out standard sub directories that belong e.g. to Olympus VSI or 3DHistech MRXS slides, or reserved directories only used by the operating system (like .snapshots on Apple-originating samba-share).
In this view, only the root directories that the administrator has access to appear (according to ACL rules). Public root directories (by definition) are always included here.
It is possible for an administrator to manage mappings to 100s of root-directories and access points without actually being able to navigate the content in these folders. When an administrator wants to inspect the content of a private root directory, it may be necessary to temporarily change this directory's access properties.
Root directories that are NOT available for technical reasons, are shown in the folder hierarchy. The reason for this is: PMA.core is an administrative tool, and it must be possible for an administrator to emulate a non-accessible root directory to trigger a particular error that can then be further inspected via the Elmah log.
A search bar lets you search for specific files or extensions across the entire spectrum of the PMA.core server (this feature is mainly useful during startup; searching a multi-terabyte repository this way in real-time is not very practical, and we've developed other products to facilitate this latter use case more efficiently).
There's a dropdown menu to provide convenient access to certain managerial tasks related to the image management view.
Clicking on a directory will display its contents in the middle section.
Similarly to the Tree view, there's a quick access menu to provide convenient access to certain managerial tasks related to the directory content view.
When an image is selected, its information is presented in the image panel.
Several informational fields are displayed in the selected image panel:
Clicking on the image opens a full screen viewer. There are several buttons available in the image panel interface: