PMA.core 3.0.4 is commit (4b7d0c2f) of the PMA.core codebase. It follows PMA.core 3.0.3 (be720dc8). It is a patch revision, that contains several bug fixes and improvements.
Bugs fixed
Fixed a bug in the Visiopharm annotation rendering where shapes with holes where omitted.
Fixed a bug that prevented MRXS files to be downloaded from Azure Data Lake storage.
Fixed a bug in the calculation of the fingerprint of TIFF images.
Fixed a bug that caused BIF images to be rendered with seams.
Fixed a bug that prevented the rendering of macro images for SVS slides.
Fixed a bug that prevented the rendering of label images for Ventana TIFF slides.
Added support for ICC profiles for the following image types: Ventana BIF, Aperio SVS, all generic TIFF files that use the appropriate ICC profile tag that is defined in the standard, DICOM and Philips isyntax and i2syntax
Added the description tag of SVS images in the list of meta data.
Improved the performance of the system while saving annotations.
Known issues
Uploading images larger than 5GB to any type of cloud storage doesn't work.