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licensing [2022/03/07 19:45]
yves [Exceeded concurrency]
licensing [2022/03/28 16:05] (current)
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 This wiki entry is about the technical aspects of licensing in PMA.core. Pathomation'​s [[https://​​licensing/​|license policy is described on its website]]. This wiki entry is about the technical aspects of licensing in PMA.core. Pathomation'​s [[https://​​licensing/​|license policy is described on its website]].
 +Are you dealing with an expired license? See the [[license_setup|procedure on license renewal]].
 Pathomation has a software licensing scheme that involves the exchange of license files. Pathomation has a software licensing scheme that involves the exchange of license files.
licensing.1646671521.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2022/03/07 19:45 by yves