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panel_conference [2023/01/18 14:15]
yves created
panel_conference [2023/03/02 19:00] (current)
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 The conferencing feature of works in close collaboration with [[https://​​|]]. A [[admin_tileservers| server component must be configured explicitly in the administrative back-end]] in order for this functionality to work. The conferencing feature of works in close collaboration with [[https://​​|]]. A [[admin_tileservers| server component must be configured explicitly in the administrative back-end]] in order for this functionality to work.
 +The Conferencing panel is currently an [[experimental_features|experimental feature]] of and works in 3 modes:
 +  -  No active conference: when there is no active conference this panel just show a placeholder that allows user to Create new conference or Join to existing conference. ​
 +  -  Active conference, user is admin: When there is an active conference and user is admin of conference user can see: 
 +    - Link to share - '​Copy'​ button allows to copy link to clipboard, and then this link can be used for joining a conference as participant ​
 +    - Conference name (specified by admin) ​
 +    - Owner - nickname of user who created a conference ​
 +    - Nickname - nickname of current user 
 +    - Live mode - can be in 2 states - enabled (green circle), and disabled (red circle). When live mode is enabled conference participants can see the same ROIs as admin, when it is disabled participant cannot see 
 +    - Everyone in control - indicator is the same as for Live mode, when everyone in control enabled all participants can control what is being shown in conference ​
 +    - Participants - list of participant nicknames
 +  -  Active conference, user is participant:​ When user joined to a conference as participant (s)he can see a reduced list of fields that are the same to one that is described in previous list item
panel_conference.1674040549.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/01/18 14:15 by yves