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Slide page

The interface offers all the required components that enable you to switch between case collections, cases and slides.

Selecting a case collection

Use the drop down list on the top navigation bar to switch between the available case collections:

Navigating the cases

Use the drop down list on the top-right to view and select the current case:

You can also use keyboard input: PAGE UP = previous case PAGE DOWN = next case

Loading digital slides

In order to open a digital slide in the main viewer window, select it from the list on the right side of the interface, where the list with all the available slides is displayed. It is possible to have multiple slides open simultaneously. Slides that are currently loaded are highlighted with a blue outline. To unload a slide from the viewer, click again on it to deselect it. Note that you may have to scroll down to see all of the available slides.

Measuring digital slides

The viewer offers the tools to measure length and area in the digital slide, in the corresponding menu on the right side of the interface. It is possible to measure on all open slides using the same menu. You can remove every measurement using the corresponding X button or clear all measurements with the corresponding option. You can also turn on/off the length and area measurements of preexisting annotations in all slides with the checkbox in the same menu.

case_selection.txt · Last modified: 2022/03/03 18:49 by antreas