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Color settings panel

The Purpose of the Color settings panel is to provide tools for changing color settings for selected slide. There are 3 available settings (from top to bottom) - Brightness, Contrast and Gamma, for each setting there are 2 ways of change its value - slider and input. Slider and input are synchronized and user can adjust settings using both ways. 'Reset to default' button will reset settings to the following values - Brightness: 0, Contrast: 1, Gamma: 1.

Brightness / contrast / gamma


Brightness refers to the absolute value of colors (tones) lightness/darkness. Increasing brightness of an slide/image will light out all colors so the original light ones will become up to white. Reversely, decreasing brightness will darken all colors so the original shaded ones will become up to black. So, you can apply brightness to the slides accordingly.


Contrast is the distinction between lighter and darker areas of an image, and it rerefers to making more obvious the objects or details within an image. Increasing contrast on a slide/image will increase the difference between light and dark areas so light areas will become lighter and dark areas will become darker. Reversely, decreasing the contrast will make lighter and darker areas stay approximately the same but the overall slide becomes more “flat” and starts looking as if it were “washed out”.


Gamma is about translating between digital sensitivity and human eye sensitivity, providing many advantages on one hand but adding complexity on the other hand. Gamma adjusts the midtones from tonal scale but keeps the white and black. In other words, gamma optimizes the contrast and brightness in the midtones.

Color balance


panel_color_adjust.1679504047.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/22 19:54 by ali