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User interface

On clicking the “Toggle Search Panel” button search panel opens up that allows you to search different slides for selected PMA.core server using PMA.core meta data API. Search UI allows you to select PMA.core server and perform search based on forms and fields against a slide.

Conducting searches

To conduct a search; user needs to select the PMA.core server from the dropdown list, by default the logged in PMA.core server is selected. Then by default “AND” logical operator is selected and user can change it to “OR” as per the logical condition to be applied on the selected parameters. Then we have the list of forms and respective form fields user can choose from. By default a hardcoded form value “Slide” is selected with two fields “path” and “barcode” which allows you to search slides through path and barcodes. User can select the form and respective fields as per their search criteria. You can add multiple conditions using the “Add Condition” button.

Interpreting results

Once you have selected search conditions and then press “Search” button list of results would show up if any. The results consists of “Folder”, “Slide name” and action button “Load to grid” that loads the selected search record slide to the viewport.

Refining search commands and troubleshooting

Integration with

searching.1659641394.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/08/04 22:29 by ali