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File format troubleshooting

There are any number of ways that information can be encoded. While we strive to support as many file formats as possible, we can't promise you that we support everything. Occasionally, you'll encounter data that you think should work, but for whatever reason, doesn't.

There's a Pathomation helpdesk for that.

But before you contact us, there are a couple of steps that you can take yourself, depending on the type of data we're talking about:


Check the filesize of your original slide data. If you expect to see a slide scanned at 20X, but the file that you're trying to host is only 100KB, you're probably missing data. Specifically:

  • You may be dealing with a multi-file file format
  • You may have downloaded a file from somewhere and something went wrong mid-transfer, resulting in truncated data

If you know the origin of the slide and the scanner hardware vendor, check if the file renders with the vendor's native viewer

Check the storage medium. Though this is rare, it's possible that have a particular file format that we only support on a specific storage medium. You may be dealing with a slide in S3 e.g., yet we only support the format in Azure and on local disk storage.

When all else fails, contact us. On our helpdesk website, you find additional pointers of information that you can provide us with and that can help troubleshoot the issue.


Other formats

format_troubleshoot.1644589159.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/11 17:19 by yves