The following endpoints are available in PMA.core to view Whole Slide Images and its associated labels, thumbnails and macro images. The following list contains the endpoint URL, a brief description and the available parameters for each one.
/tile Renders a square tile of a slide
Parameter | Description |
sessionID | The session id to authenticate with |
pathOrUid | The path or unique identifier of the image to render or a valid collection config JSON |
timeframe | The index of the time frame to render |
layer | The index of the layer to render |
channels | Comma separated channel indexes to render |
channelClipping | Min and max limits to clip and scale pixel values. Two values required per channel |
gamma | Gamma values for each channel. One value required per channel |
x | The x index of the tile |
y | The y index of the tile |
z | The z index of the tile |
cache | Optional parameter that tells the renderer whether or not to use the cache to fetch the tile |
format | Optional resulting image format. Valid values are JPG, JPEG and PNG |
quality | Optional quality parameter used only for the jpeg format |
postGamma | Optional gamma value to apply as post processing |
brightness | Optional brightness value to apply as post processing |
contrast | Optional contrast value to apply as post processing |
Returns A file stream that contains the rendered region
/region Renders a region of a slide
Parameter | Description |
sessionID | The session id to authenticate with |
pathOrUid | The path or unique identifier of the image to render |
timeframe | The index of the time frame to render |
layer | The index of the layer to render |
channels | Comma separated channel indexes to render |
x | The x coordinate of the image to render |
y | The y coordinate of the image to render |
width | The width of the region to render |
height | The height of the region to render |
scale | The factor to scale the rendered region by |
channelClipping | Min and max limits to clip and scale pixel values. Two values required per channel. |
gamma | Gamma values for each channel. One value required per channel |
drawScaleBar | Draw an accurate scale bar |
downloadInsteadOfDisplay | Whether or not to download the image or display it in the browser |
drawFilename | 0 do not draw, 1 draw filename on top, 2 draw on bottom |
format | Optional parameter representing the resulting image format. Valid values are JPG, JPEG and PNG |
quality | Optional quality parameter used only for the jpeg format |
annotationsLayerType | A comma separated list of extra annotations layer to render |
rotation | Rotation angle in degrees |
flipHorizontal | Whether to flip region horizontally |
flipVertical | Whether to flip the region vertically |
dpi | Optional dpi to resolution for the exported image |
postGamma | Optional gamma value to apply as post processing |
brightness | Optional brightness value to apply as post processing |
contrast | Optional contrast value to apply as post processing |
Returns A file stream that contains the rendered region
/thumbnail Renders the associated thumbnail of slide
Parameter | Description |
sessionID | The session id to authenticate with |
pathOrUid | The path or unique identifier of the image to render |
orientation | The orientation of the thumbnail (0 = auto; 1 = vertical; 2 = horizontal) |
w | Expected output width of the thumbnail |
h | Expected output height of the thumbnail |
Returns An image
/macro Renders the associated macro of a slide
Parameter | Description |
sessionID | The session id to authenticate with |
pathOrUid | The path or unique identifier of the image to render |
orientation | The orientation of the macro (0 = auto; 1 = vertical; 2 = horizontal) |
w | Expected output width of the macro |
h | Expected output height of the macro |
Returns An image
/barcode Renders the associated barcode of a slide
Parameter | Description |
sessionID | The session id to authenticate with |
pathOrUid | The path or unique identifier of the image to render |
orientation | The orientation of the barcode (0 = auto; 1 = vertical; 2 = horizontal) |
w | Expected output width of the barcode |
h | Expected output height of the barcode |
Returns An image