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Whole slide images and virtual slides

PMA.core supports a variety of image capturing techniques and modalities.

A full list of currently supported formats is available from our website at

You can read more about our philosophy regarding the support of vendor-specific file format in our press release.


PMA.core slide reading engine supports over 35 different vendor-specific file formats that are used to encapsulate brightfield microscopy data. We offer a mix of open source community formats (OMERO TIFF & ZARR, [DICOM, …), as well as legacy ones like Olympus Webview.

A full up-to-date list is available on our website at


DAPI, Cy3, Cy5, … If these terms sound familiar, changed are you're engaged in fluorescent microscopy. We've been working with many vendors throughout the years to optimally support this imaging type. You can toggle individual channels directly in PMA.core, and do histogram clipping as you see fit. Advanced downstream application (that run on top of PMA.core) like can even visualize the histogram of each channel for you, and apply additional per-channel gamma correction.

An up-to-date list of supported fluorescent file formats is available on our website at


A full up-to-date list is available on our website at

Time series

Annotation formats

Forms and meta-data


Microsoft Excel and CSV

Supported Codecs for WSI

supported_file_formats.1624891387.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/06/28 17:43 by yves