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Annotations import and export

PMA.Studio allows you to import and export annotations in a variety of formats, including Well-known text (the format used by PMA.core internally), Visiopharm mld files, Indica Labs HALO annotations files, Definiens/Aperio xml files, and ‘plain’ csv files.


User an export slide annotation in different formats including Well-known text (the format used by PMA.core internally), Visiopharm mld files, Indica Labs HALO annotations files, Definiens/Aperio xml files, and ‘plain’ csv files.


User can also import/upload annotations through Once you click on the import button a popup window shows up that allows you to select annotation type (Visiopharm (MLD) OR HALO (ANNOTATION)) and the file that contains annotation data. Once a valid file is uploaded annotations are added to the slide.

annotations_import_export.1651760100.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/05/05 17:15 by ali