
What's new in version 2.0.1?

PMA.core 2.0.1 is revision 2069 of the PMA.core codebase. It follows PMA.core 2.0.0 (revision 1803). It is a minor revision, with small refinements and bugfixes.

File format improvements

  • Support for Bionavation SVS slides
  • Support for JPEG 2000 Optrascan slides
  • Improved SVS resolution parsing
  • Zoomify file format is better handled (GetFilenames() method)
  • Improved handling of Philips iSyntax slides (IO stream context switching; caching)
  • KFBio rendering issues resolved
  • Improved handling of Olympus Webview file format
  • Improved handling of Olympus VSI file format (support for TransmissionOverlay channel)
  • Zeiss CZI file format handling is improved (now also includes mask support)
  • 3DHistech MRXS slide content is improved
  • Huron Z-stacks are handled properly now
  • Added support for Motic MDSX file format
  • Barcode label cutoffs are interpreted correctly for Hamamatsu NDPI slides
  • Added nominal magnification metadata for Zeiss CZI and Leica SCN slides
  • For Zeiss CZI slides, also report back Camera, Objectives, and Detector instruments
  • Fixed Microsoft DeepZoom DZI rounding errors
  • Added ExposureTime, EmissionWaveLength for Olympus VSI slides to ImageInfo dictionary
  • Better handling of OME TIFF slides
  • Better support for fluorescent SCN files
  • Added Olympus OIR file format
  • Added OME Zarr file format
  • Improved support for TIFP-less Ventana BIF slides

General improvements

  • better support for OAuth authentication (including at the API level)
  • Authenticate() API method now supports POST
  • updated PMA.UI version to 2.16.0
  • File filtering is faster now
  • Audit trail information is easier accessible and better presented
  • Enriched ImageInfo dictionaries
  • Improved GetRootDirInfo() speed
  • Audit trail now uses SQLServer
  • Annotations exported to CSV now include user and timestamp information
  • GetImageInfo() and GetImagesInfo() now run as WebApi (instead of WCF)
  • Added support for FTP data stores as a root-directory (mounting point) type
  • Updated EF and SQLite packages
  • Support for SSO login;
  • GUI fixed in Image Management module
  • HALO annotations are now grouped by classification
  • Rename HeatmapLayer to RasterLayer
  • Improve search method for AZure mounting points
  • Updated and new NuGet packages

New functionality

  • Channel clipping is now possible on 16-bit range (fluo slides)
  • Added gamma channel handling for fluo slides
  • histogram API in PMA.UI
  • Support sub-paths for Azure storage
  • CreateSession method added to API
  • Slide upload operations can now take annotations into account
  • TIFF exports now offer support for a DPI parameter
  • Introduction of new PMANN API for better handling of multiple external annotation
  • new explicit ClearCache() admin-API method
  • Support for 2FA

Bugs fixed

  • exported CSV files are now compatible with Excel and are easier to open
  • image management view current directory overflow fixed
  • lockfile creation sometimes created a deadlock situation on its own; this was fixed
  • GetAnnotations() is improved
  • Fixed cache handling when slides are uploaded a second time
  • Barcode requests now come with proper CORS headers
  • Fix for StreamAccessors in EnumerateFiles
  • Philips iSyntax slides can now be served over S3 (better handling of FIC files)
  • Improved CORS checks
  • Zeiss CZI color clipping issues
  • LZW decoder buffer initialization fix
  • Fixed Omympus VSI transmission layer rendering
  • Add optional callback in ReloadThirdParbtyAnnotations to convert an absolute path to a virtual one
  • Fix RGB rendering for OME TIFF slides
  • Fix audittrail oldValue, newValue datatypes to nvarchar
  • Clear associated image chache when the modified data is also older than one minute
  • SQLite provider configuration fix
  • Fix audit trail column size for column [Key]
  • Better detection of replaced data in cloud storage locations
  • Fix GetImageInfo logging when in cache
  • Collection mode works better now
  • Fixed NDPI int64/32 offset issue
  • Fix focus plane order for Ventana BIF files
  • Fixed CORS for Swagger documentation
  • Fix raster annotation layer rendering out of bounds
  • Fix bug that generated new instances when the request code was changed

Known issues

  • MRXS 2.5 slides are not handled properly (applied color correction is inccorrect)

See also

what_s_new_in_version_2.0.1.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/03 17:34 by yves