PMA.core 3.0.2 is commit (e3ee4dae) of the PMA.core codebase. It follows PMA.core 3.0.1 (be720dc8). It is a minor revision, with small refinements and bug fixes.
General improvements
Added support for Olympus VSI slides using OME TIFF encoding.
Added support for PerkinElmer Phenix TIFF slides.
Added support for JPEG 2000 lossless compression for OME & TIFF slides.
Added support for brightfield Leica LIF images
Improved directory listing of large directories
New functionality
Added API method to explicitly invoke (prioritized) indexing of a particular folder.
Added the ability to change the channel color of fluorescent images.
Added the ability to specify the signing algorithm and signature version for Amazon S3 mounting points.
Bugs fixed
Fixed bug for Azure based root directories where, under certain circumstances, size calculations were wrong.
Fixed bug for Azure based root directories where, under certain circumstances, uploading a slide ended up in the root directory and not in a sub-directory.
Fixed bug for Azure based root directories that prevented deleting multi-file slides.
Fixed bug for TIFF images that use the SubIFD tag.
Fixed bug where root directories were still returned by the GetDirectories API call even when they were marked as offline.
Fixed bug for Leica LIF slides where only the first fluorescent channel was displayed.
Fixed bug where under certain circumstances, barcode parsing didn't complete, leading to high CPU usage.
Known issues
Gamma parameter when passed by the client side, has no effect for CZI files(CORE3-68)
Clicking on a user of a group returns an error (CORE-248)